Pilgrim Jim's Treasure Field
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21
Simeon "Sim" Roberts
The following news article appeared in the newspaper,
The Earlington Bee, (Earlington, Kentucky) on Thursday, June 25, 1896. The
article is about my Great Grandfather, Simeon Roberts. Sim Roberts was the
Father of my Grandmother, Benetta Roberts, who was married to my Grandfather,
Beriah M. Clark. The news article notes that my Great Grandmother's last name
was JENKINS. The marriage certificate lists her name as BRINKLEY, with the name
JENKINS lined out on the certificate. The marriage certificate also shows a
different date than this article mentions.
"The subject of this sketch was born in
Orange county, North Carolina, November 4, 1841 and has two brothers and two
sisters still living. His early days were spent in helping his father who
besides being a blacksmith, also worked a good deal at carpentry. On November
11, 1859, he married a Miss Adeline JENKINS. Ten children have been the result
of this union, of whom eight are living. In 1860, he left his native State and
came to Kentucky and settled in Union county. In 1863, he joined the Federal
army, enlisting in the Thirty-fifth Mounted Infantry, under Col. STARLING. He
served his country eighteen months and was honorably discharged at Louisville.
Good fortune attended his military career, as is evidenced by the fact that he
was never wounded nor captured. After leaving the army he took up his abode in
Union county, and followed his trade of blacksmithing for some years; then,
forsaking his trade, he began mining, and worked in the Payne mines near
Morganfield; then left Union county and came to Earlington in the fall of 1870
and worked a while in the No. 11 mine, from which coal was being shipped to
Henderson. None was shipped South, as no track was laid between this place and
Mr. ROBERTS has been all his mining life what
is known as a "pick miner," having never used any of the "latter day" devices
for getting out coal and during the long years he has followed the trade, he has
never received an injury worthy of mention. The largest amount he has ever
received for a months mining was in the fall '73, when, after deducting all
expenses and store bill, the pay roll shows that he drew $105 cash. The longest
time he ever worked was once when grading for some track in the mine, when he
made three shifts or worked thirty consecutive hours. After work was fairly
begun in No. 8 mine, he engaged work at this mine and remained there until 1893,
when he was forced to leave off mining and seek outside employment. For the next
year, he had charge of the lake and park, and after this he fired at No. 9
engine house for a couple of months, then in conjunction with another man took
charge of an air fan near the old Arnold mine which is run without intermission
day or night for the ventilation of No. 9. At this place he still remains,
working by day one week and by night the next.
Mr. ROBERTS is not a member of any church,
but was raised up in the faith of Primitive Baptists, and believes firmly in
preforeordestination. He joined the Masonic fraternity in 1871, and is a devoted
member of that order. At one time in his life he was an Odd Fellow, but does not
affiliate with that fraternity now. When viewed through a political glass, Mr.
ROBERTS presents the aspect of a very decided Republican and is undoubtedly a
golden insect, firmly believing that Uncle Sam should stand immediately behind
every redeemer. Mr. ROBERTS is not an intemperate man though he has been
accustomed to the use of tanglefoot all the days of his life. He says he
believes in spirits provided they are not of a rapping disembodied nature.
These, he says are "humbugs and good for nothing."
Source: Earlington Bee, Thur., June 25, 1896
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